
XIV | 2020

Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research

Click here to attend online to the conference works. Passcode: sa65UG2X.


ArcheoFOSS 2020

Latest news

[15/10/2020] ArcheoFOSS 2020 is on air!

To follow the conference works:

Ask your questions on directly on YouTube and Facebook or join our public Telegram group (

For small talk and coffe break, we coud meet in the virtual bar, at It is always open!

To partecipate to the final Round Table ArcheoFOSS. An insight into the future join us at ( provided by Sapienza)

[14/10/2020] It is now available an open Telegram group that can be used during the conference days. You can inscribe to the group by following the link: Please use the group to notify broardcast issues or to ask questions to the conference presenters.

[02/10/2020] This morning have been closed the subscriptions to the workshops. Thank you all for the very large partecipation. We will give your contacts to each workshop organizator, and vice-versa. Wokshop organizers and Archeofoss organizing commitee ( remain fully available for any question or doubt. We will get back to you very soon!


Available the URLs of the broadcast of the conference! Each day has two separate URLs, one for the morning and one for the afternoon. Each workshop has its own URL as well. Please find, save and share the URLs in the main programme page.


Published the definitive schedule of the workshops, available both at the main programme page and at the workshops’ dedicated page.

Remember that workshops can be booked on Eventbrite, since tge number of the available seets is limited. Hurry up!


We are very proud to announce that the conference programme of ArcheoFOSS 2020 is now available.

The Book of Abstracts is already and freely available in Zenodo DOI.

The list of the available workshops is available Don’t forget to sign up to get your seat!


Since the midnight of July 12, 2020 the call for papers and posters has been closed.

We have received 41 proposals for papers and 7 proposals for workshops. Thank you for the large and highly qualified participation.

The reviewing process has already begun and the Organising Commitee together with the Scentific Committee are on work on the submitted abstracts. We are very proud to announce that the next edition od ArcheoFOSS will be of a great scientific interest, with an impressive variety of themes, case-studies and methodological and theoretical consideration.

We are looking forward to share with the ArcheoFOSS community the definitive conference programme!


Updated on 01/09/2020: Extension of the deadline of Demo presentations

Map of the conference participants

Workshops and Demos are comming soon

Follow this link for the full conference programme

{ "title": "Valutazione integrata delle dinamiche di rischio di erosione del suolo in presenza di depositi archeologici. Il metodo proposto dal progetto RESEARCH (Remote Sensing Techniques for Archaeology)", "url": "/2020/abstracts/battistin", "geo": [42.4133,12.11227] } { "title": "3D Survey Collection, un software per la produzione di repliche digitali. Il caso studio del foro romano di Nora (Sardegna, CA)", "url": "/2020/abstracts/berto", "geo": [45.40676,11.87744] } { "title": "Fieldnotes for the development and publication of open standards for the vectorization of archaeologic and architectonic topographic legacy data", "url": "/2020/abstracts/bogdani", "geo": [41.90376,12.51443] } { "title": "Human response to Late Holocene climate change in Northern Italy: integration of geomorphological and archaeological data through a FLOS-based workflow", "url": "/2020/abstracts/brandolini", "geo": [54.97918,-1.61466] } { "title": "Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Science: the new OpenLab of the Institute for Heritage Science (CNR)", "url": "/2020/abstracts/caravale", "geo": [41.90072,12.51251] } { "title": "Pubblicare i dati archeologici con A.R.C.A.: stato dei lavori e prospettive future", "url": "/2020/abstracts/carpanese", "geo": [45.40676,11.87744] } { "title": "An open source workflow for processing thermal images acquired by drone", "url": "/2020/abstracts/ciccone", "geo": [41.85203,12.62899] } { "title": "Analisi e confronto di formati spaziali aperti e non aperti per la ricerca archeologica", "url": "/2020/abstracts/d-andrea", "geo": [40.83125,14.2444] } { "title": "Analysis of urban mobility in 18th century Rome: a research approach through GIS platform", "url": "/2020/abstracts/d-erasmo", "geo": [41.90376,12.51443] } { "title": "The use of 3D tools to improve the transformation of the archaeological record into a virtual reconstruction: EMtools and EMviq open source software", "url": "/2020/abstracts/demetrescu", "geo": [41.90072,12.51251] } { "title": "Towards FreeCAD experimentations and validation as a FOSS HBIM platform for building archaeology purposes", "url": "/2020/abstracts/diara", "geo": [45.06235,7.66214] } { "title": "Developing long-term infrastructure for open archaeology research data:", "url": "/2020/abstracts/ducke", "geo": [52.46069,13.30065] } { "title": "Rome - Northeastern Palatine slopes: open-source methodologies and tools for the analysis of ancient architectures", "url": "/2020/abstracts/fornaciari", "geo": [40.76869,14.79168] } { "title": "The ArchAIDE Archive", "url": "/2020/abstracts/gattiglia", "geo": [43.71877,10.39872] } { "title": "FOSS, open data e open contents in archeologia: breve storia, stato dell’arte e scenari futuri", "url": "/2020/abstracts/grossi", "geo": [45.4365,11.00321] } { "title": "Little Minions and SPARQL Unicorns as tools for archaeology", "url": "/2020/abstracts/homburg", "geo": [49.9654762,8.1723194] } { "title": "Towards an ontology of the Museum of Archaeology of the University of Catania: from the legacy data digitization to the semantic web", "url": "/2020/abstracts/laneri", "geo": [37.50356,15.08649] } { "title": "Leastcostpath: Modelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a Landscape", "url": "/2020/abstracts/lewis", "geo": [52.20426,0.1149] } { "title": "Cultura libera per la valorizzazione territoriale: metodologie e strumenti aperti", "url": "/2020/abstracts/malatesta", "geo": [41.90376,12.51443] } { "title": "The virtual countryman. A GRASS-GIS tool for ancient cultivation identification", "url": "/2020/abstracts/palombini", "geo": [41.90072,12.51251] } { "title": "Strumenti digitali open source per la documentazione della cultura visuale paleo-mesolitica: dati preliminari da un flusso di lavoro sulle decorazioni incise su supporto calcareo dalla Grotta di Santa Maria di Agnano (Ostuni, BR)", "url": "/2020/abstracts/pellegrino", "geo": [41.12055,16.86847] } { "title": "Virtual Archaeology for the little guy? A case-study based assessment of the feasibility and sustainability of minimal resource VR modelling and its applicability to small-scale archaeological research", "url": "/2020/abstracts/price", "geo": [51.29723,1.06321] } { "title": "Digital Editions of Objects and Classes: The Conspectus as an online system of relations and references", "url": "/2020/abstracts/roesler", "geo": [50.12053,-8.65728] } { "title": "FLOS per i Musei: soluzioni open per formare le comunità e gestire i luoghi culturali", "url": "/2020/abstracts/rosati", "geo": [41.90376,12.51443] } { "title": "SPARQLing ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ: Publication of Irish Ogham Stones as LOD", "url": "/2020/abstracts/schmidt", "geo": [49.9654762,8.1723194] } { "title": "SITAR: a new OPEN DATA infrastructure for a public archaeology of Rome", "url": "/2020/abstracts/serlorenzi", "geo": [41.90118,12.49862] }