ArcheoFOSS 2022
Panel: I/O: ethics, policies and technologies for programmatic and open access to archaeological online data sets
Julian Bogdani
LAD. Sapienza University of Rome, Rome
Riccardo Montalbano
Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, Rome, Italy
![Panel: I/O: ethics, policies and technologies for programmatic and open access to archaeological online data sets](archaeological-apis.jpeg)
The spread of web-based databases and information systems specifically designed for the archaeological domain has greatly enhanced data-collection and analysis processes. This trend has positively impacted on the availability of online data sets, most of them living in the so-called deep Web, due to copyright, privacy and/or security issues. Open-access repositories released by universities and other Public Administrations are making their way towards toward the broader public, who is sometimes also a contributor of archaeological structured information on the Web.
This panel aims at focusing on ethical and technical issues related with the open online programmatic access to archaeological data sets. Endpoints and APIs based on SOAP, REST, GraphQL, or SPARQL protocols have radically changed in the last decade the way we are using the Web, fostering a richer and more creative use and reuse of public data.
We would like to welcome case-studies of data publishers and system designers who want to share their policy and actual technological solutions for the programmatic consume of the data sets they maintain. On the other hand, programmatic data consumers, such as the designers of client software, web-sites or applications based on the availability of archaeological datasets, or single researchers that make use of scripts and software that analyse remote archaeological data are welcomed as well.