Scientific committee

The following scientific committee members were elected and are in charge since 2021. The scientific committee is regulated by the guidelines (in Italian).

Julian Bogdani

Sapienza University of Rome

Valeria Boi

Ministry of Culture. ICA (Istituto Centrale per l’Archeologia) – Direzione Generale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio

Paola Buzi

Sapienza University of Rome

  • Full Professor of Egyptology and Coptic Civilization at Sapienza University of Rome
  • Honorary Professor of Egyptology at Hamburg University
  • PI of the ERC Advanced (2015) Project ‘PAThs’: Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature, the most important open data portal dedicated to the history and archaeology of late ancient and medieval Egypt

Elena Calandra

University of Pavia

Alessandra Caravale

Archaeologist, Senior Researcher (Primo Ricercatore) at CNR’s Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (ISPC) and chief editor of «Archeologia e Calcolatori»

Stefano Costa

Ministry of Culture. Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Imperia e Savona

  • Archaeologist Officer for the province of Imperia, SABAP. Genova
  • Co-founder of ArcheoFOSS movement

Emanuel Demetrescu

CNR. Rome

  • CNR, Researcher
  • CNR-ITABC, Fellowship Researcher
  • 3D reality-based and source-based modeling specialist

Benjamin Ducke

DAI. Berlin

  • Director of the Department of Information Technology
  • German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Berlin Headquarters
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of Open Source software for archaeology and the research infrastructure of the Institute (
  • His areas of interest are spatial and statistical analysis, geographical information systems, spatial data infrastructures, remote sensing, 3D modelling, sensor data, predictive models in the archaeological field.

Gabriele Gattiglia

University of Pisa

  • Researcher of Archaeological Research Methodologies at the University of Pisa
  • ArchAIDE Project Coordinator
  • Deputy director of the MAPPA project

Saverio Giulio Malatesta

DigiLab, Sapienza University of Rome

  • Archeo&Arte 3D Lab, Project Manager
  • DTC Lazio, Collaborator: Project Manager
  • DecArch, Vice President

Anna Marras

University of Turin

  • University of Turin
  • AVICOM Board
  • Coordinator of the ICOM Digital Technologies Commission Italy
  • Vice-President of the Torino+ Accessible Culture Association

Paola Moscati

CNR. Rome

  • CNR, Research Manager at ISPC
  • Since 1990 he has directed the magazine “Archaeology and Calculators”.
  • Founding member of the International Academy of Humanities Computing and Digital Humanities
  • Scientific director of the international research project “The history of archaeological informatics”, conducted in agreement with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
  • She has supported the ArcheoFOSS conference since its inception, hosting the Proceedings of numerous editions in the journal “Archeology and Calculators”.

Augusto Palombini


  • CNR, Researcher
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Expert