ArcheoFOSS 2022
ArcheoFOSS 2022: Call for panels
In brief
- ArcheoFOSS 2022 will be held on 22-23 September 2022 at Sapienza University of Rome
- An online channel will be available both for papers and audience
- Panel proposals are now being accepted
- Panel proposals must be submitted before March 31 2022.
- Panel proposals will undergo an open, not anonymous, peer-review evaluation proccess.
- New deadline: Panel proposals must be submitted before April 14 2022.
- The call for panels is now officially closed.
The sixteenth edition of ArcheoFOSS will be hosted at Sapienza University of Rome on 22-23 September 2022, in collaboration with DigiLab (Interdepartmental Research Centre of Sapienza University of Rome).
This edition will be based on panel sessions that provide an opportunity for expert panel members to present their views and share their experience on a specific topic and then engage in a discussion with the audience.
We are welcoming original proposals from both community members and external scholars or professionals willing to discuss research questions and experience and stimulate further discussion of specific topics.
As well-known, the ArcheoFOSS conference is traditionally focused on the dissemination of archaeological projects following the Open Science paradigm: open source software tools, open formats and open methodology both for investigation and dissemination. Panellists, therefore, should clearly state how their proposal meets one or more of the following topics:
- Use and reuse of open software in archaeological case studies.
- Creation of open data and use of open formats.
- Development of open source software tools and innovative open processes in archaeological investigation.
A typical panel session starts with a brief introduction by the panel chair, followed by the presentations of three or four panellists.
The call for panels officially closed on April 14, 2022 and the proposals have been published in the project repository (list of panel proposals).
All proposals will be published in a dedicated GitHub repository and will be available to an open, not anonymous, peer-review process. More information on the evaluation procedure will be published in the next few weeks.