
XVI | 2022

Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research

Click here to attend online to the conference works. Passcode: sa65UG2X.


ArcheoFOSS 16 - 2022

Latest news

[2023-08-18] The proceedings of the 2022 edition of ArcheoFOSS conference were published in 2023 as volume 34.1 of the Archeologia e Calcolatori (AeC) journal. The journal is open access.

[2022-09-24] ArcheoFOSS 2022 conference works were closed yesterday evening. Thank you to all authors and public for sharing your research and your ideas! We will meet again in 2023 in Turin!

[2022-09-22] ArcheoFOSS 2022 works will be broadcasted online in realtime, on out official Facebook page, at and on our YouTube channel, at

[2022-09-19] For those who are coming to Sapienza, please remember that a face mask is still required to access the building. So please remember to bring it with you, otherwise, it can be bought in the nearby shops. Also, your presence in the building in the days of the conference must be reported, for the tracking of COVID-19 cases. Please fill this form, for each day of the conference, and keep the confirmation email ready to access the conference room. More informationa are available at Please note that the form can be filled-out in advance. Please note that the building number of “ex Vetrerie” is RM103. As Nominativo del referente di Sapienza and Email del referente di Sapienza, Julian Bogdani and can be used.

We are very happy to announce that the programme of ArcheoFOSS 2022 is now available. We are all looking forward to meet you soon in Rome! Direct link to the PDF version.

The call for papers for ArcheoFOSS 2022 is closed! many thanks to the almost one hundred authors that submited heir research. The definitive programme of the conference will be available during the second half of August 2022.

Deadline extended for abstract submissions: 30 June 2022

The call for papers of ArcheoFOSS 2022 is now open. Read the available panels and submit your research as soon aspossible. The call will close on 15 June 2022.

We are very proud to announce that the call for panels for the 2022 edition of ArcheoFOSS International conference has been closed. The complete list of the panels is available and a special repository has been created to collect eventual comments from the community, for each panel. Feel free to comment, suggest, up or down vote and share your thoughts and ideas. And remeber to stay tuned: the call for papers will be soon published!

The call for panels of ArcheoFOSS 2022 is now open. The hybrid conference will be hosted in Rome by Sapienza and DigiLab, on 22-23 September 2022.

Feel free to keep in touch by dropping a line at and/or by joining today our Telegram group.

Map of the conference participants

Workshops and Demos are comming soon

Follow this link for the full conference programme

{ "title": "Andrea Bellotti: Spring Archaeology: a gathering project for emerging researchers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/bellotti-et-alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Luca Luppino: Spring Archaeology: a gathering project for emerging researchers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/bellotti-et-alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Maria Messineo: Spring Archaeology: a gathering project for emerging researchers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/bellotti-et-alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Mickey Scarcella: Spring Archaeology: a gathering project for emerging researchers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/bellotti-et-alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Julian Bogdani: Backward engineering historical maps: the case of 18th century gazetteer of the Napoleonic map of Egypt", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/bogdani-d_erasmo", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Domizia D'Erasmo: Backward engineering historical maps: the case of 18th century gazetteer of the Napoleonic map of Egypt", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/bogdani-d_erasmo", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Julian Bogdani: Towards Bradypus v.5: Interconnecting the archaeological research", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/bogdani-montanari", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Towards Bradypus v.5: Interconnecting the archaeological research", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/bogdani-montanari", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Francesca Buscemi: An open source and collaborative framework for sharing structured archaeological 3D data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/buscemi-et_alii", "geo": [37.5050294,15.0754602] } { "title": "Marianna Figuera: An open source and collaborative framework for sharing structured archaeological 3D data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/buscemi-et_alii", "geo": [37.5050294,15.0754602] } { "title": "Giovanni Gallo: An open source and collaborative framework for sharing structured archaeological 3D data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/buscemi-et_alii", "geo": [37.5258413,15.0745988] } { "title": "Angelica Lo Duca: An open source and collaborative framework for sharing structured archaeological 3D data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/buscemi-et_alii", "geo": [43.71946,10.4194693] } { "title": "Andrea Marchetti: An open source and collaborative framework for sharing structured archaeological 3D data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/buscemi-et_alii", "geo": [43.71946,10.4194693] } { "title": "Laura Carpentiero: Operative tools for BIM in archaeology: libraries of archaeological parametric IFC objects", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/carpentiero-d_auria", "geo": [40.8312632,14.2422203] } { "title": "Dora D'Auria: Operative tools for BIM in archaeology: libraries of archaeological parametric IFC objects", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/carpentiero-d_auria", "geo": [40.8312632,14.2422203] } { "title": "Mariflora Caruso: The enhancement of local museums through Wikipedia: the MedAniene project", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/caruso-la_torre-manzollino", "geo": [41.899258,12.5152836] } { "title": "Paola La Torre: The enhancement of local museums through Wikipedia: the MedAniene project", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/caruso-la_torre-manzollino", "geo": [41.899258,12.5152836] } { "title": "Roberta Manzollino: The enhancement of local museums through Wikipedia: the MedAniene project", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/caruso-la_torre-manzollino", "geo": [41.899258,12.5152836] } { "title": "Gabriele Ciccone: From the Itinerarium Antonini and al-Idrisi to the movecost plug-in: study of the viability in the Castronovo di Sicilia area by comparing traditional sources and least-cost path analysis", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/ciccone", "geo": [41.8523597,12.6168679] } { "title": "Enzo Cocca: PThe new Harris Matrix workflow from pyArchInit to Extended Matrix", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/cocca", "geo": [40.8436611,14.2524398] } { "title": "Gaëlle Coqueugniot: On the road to open access: Insights from French antiquity journals and databases", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/coqueugniot-fromageot_laniepce", "geo": [48.9041698,2.207674] } { "title": "Virginie Fromageot-Laniepce: On the road to open access: Insights from French antiquity journals and databases", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/coqueugniot-fromageot_laniepce", "geo": [48.9041698,2.207674] } { "title": "Stefano Costa: Harris Matrix Data Package: version 2022 of the hmdp tool with new features for the creation of stratigraphy data packages", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/costa", "geo": [44.4147735,8.9218188] } { "title": "Annalisa d’Onofrio: The urban context of the roman theater and “ex Filanda” in Fano (PU)", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/d_onofrio-ciuccarelli", "geo": [44.0577767,12.5664531] } { "title": "Maria Raffaella Ciuccarelli: The urban context of the roman theater and “ex Filanda” in Fano (PU)", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/d_onofrio-ciuccarelli", "geo": [43.6236913,13.5089253] } { "title": "Emanuel Demetrescu: EMdb: yet another db for the stratigraphic record", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/demetrescu-et-alii", "geo": [42.0921581,12.5983532] } { "title": "Cristina Gonzalez Esteban: EMdb: yet another db for the stratigraphic record", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/demetrescu-et-alii", "geo": [51.7539977,-1.2603383] } { "title": "Filippo Sala: EMdb: yet another db for the stratigraphic record", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/demetrescu-et-alii", "geo": [43.7167273,10.3943746] } { "title": "Daniele Bursich: EMdb: yet another db for the stratigraphic record", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/demetrescu-et-alii", "geo": [40.7713144,14.7885268] } { "title": "Maria Carina Dengg: Viabundus. Map of premodern European transport and mobility", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/dengg", "geo": [52.1401041,11.6402164] } { "title": "Aleksandr Diachenko: Smallest-scale movement: Tracing the intra-site relocation of hunter-gatherers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/diachenko-sobkowiak_tabaka", "geo": [50.4505715,30.5267094] } { "title": "Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka: Smallest-scale movement: Tracing the intra-site relocation of hunter-gatherers", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/diachenko-sobkowiak_tabaka", "geo": [52.4353533,16.8778329] } { "title": "Benjamin Ducke: iDAI.field: Developing software for the documentation of archaeological fieldwork", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/ducke-et_alii", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Simon Hohl: iDAI.field: Developing software for the documentation of archaeological fieldwork", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/ducke-et_alii", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Thomas Kleinke: iDAI.field: Developing software for the documentation of archaeological fieldwork", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/ducke-et_alii", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Fabian Riebschläger: iDAI.field: Developing software for the documentation of archaeological fieldwork", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/ducke-et_alii", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Juliane Watson: iDAI.field: Developing software for the documentation of archaeological fieldwork", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/ducke-et_alii", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Eleonora Iacopini: PuntoZero, a web-app for the management, use and collect the archaeological data inside the public archives. The case of Ancona", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/iacopini", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Alessandra Caravale: Panel: Electronic Publishing and Open Science in Archaeology", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/intro", "geo": [40.8436611,14.2501438] } { "title": "Alessandra Piergrossi: Panel: Electronic Publishing and Open Science in Archaeology", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/intro", "geo": [40.8436611,14.2501438] } { "title": "Stefano Costa: Panel: Archaeological stratigraphy data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/intro", "geo": [44.4147735,8.9218188] } { "title": "Emanuel Demetrescu: Panel: Archaeological stratigraphy data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/intro", "geo": [42.0921581,12.5983532] } { "title": "Julian Bogdani: Panel: Maps to the past. Open digital approaches to the investigation of historical maps.", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/intro", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Valeria Vitale: Panel: Maps to the past. Open digital approaches to the investigation of historical maps.", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/intro", "geo": [51.5300671,-0.1294723] } { "title": "Enzo Cocca: Panel 4: GIS open source solution for archaeological context in between Universities, Public Administration, societies, research center: pyArchInit case", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/intro", "geo": [44.0577767,12.5664531] } { "title": "Gianluca Martinez: Panel 4: GIS open source solution for archaeological context in between Universities, Public Administration, societies, research center: pyArchInit case", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/intro", "geo": [43.7166586,10.390978] } { "title": "Fabian Riebschläger: Panel: Practice and Paradigms of Open Source Technologies for Archaeological Field Data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/intro", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Thomas Kleinke: Panel: Practice and Paradigms of Open Source Technologies for Archaeological Field Data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/intro", "geo": [52.4607023,13.2984561] } { "title": "Julian Bogdani: Panel: I/O: ethics, policies and technologies for programmatic and open access to archaeological online data sets", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/intro", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Riccardo Montalbano: Panel: I/O: ethics, policies and technologies for programmatic and open access to archaeological online data sets", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/intro", "geo": [41.8960547,12.4754748] } { "title": "Saverio Giulio Malatesta: Panel: From wiki projects to OpenStreetMap, collaborative approaches to open data creation: problems, case studies, territorial and cultural impact", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/intro", "geo": [41.899258,12.5152836] } { "title": "Paolo Rosati: Panel: From wiki projects to OpenStreetMap, collaborative approaches to open data creation: problems, case studies, territorial and cultural impact", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/intro", "geo": [41.899258,12.5152836] } { "title": "Domizia D'Erasmo: Panel: Moving in the past: open solutions for data set design, spatial analysis and (spatial) statistical methods to investigate movement in Antiquity", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/intro", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Noemi Giovino: Panel: Moving in the past: open solutions for data set design, spatial analysis and (spatial) statistical methods to investigate movement in Antiquity", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/intro", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Eric C. Kansa: Technology that Enables Rather than Distracts: Lessons from Open Context and Sustaining Open Archaeological Data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/kansa", "geo": [37.757815,-122.5076399] } { "title": "Sandra Leonardi: Geographical web storage mapping proposal", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/leonardi", "geo": [41.9102411,12.3955711] } { "title": "Luca Mandolesi: pyArchInit at Poggio Gramignano Villa: a workflow between society and University through pyArchInit and Blender", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/mandolesi-et-al", "geo": [44.0577767,12.5664531] } { "title": "Roberto Montagnetti: pyArchInit at Poggio Gramignano Villa: a workflow between society and University through pyArchInit and Blender", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/mandolesi-et-al", "geo": [44.0577767,12.5664531] } { "title": "David Gerald Pickle: pyArchInit at Poggio Gramignano Villa: a workflow between society and University through pyArchInit and Blender", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/mandolesi-et-al", "geo": [32.2318896,-110.9545941] } { "title": "David Soren: pyArchInit at Poggio Gramignano Villa: a workflow between society and University through pyArchInit and Blender", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/mandolesi-et-al", "geo": [32.2318896,-110.9545941] } { "title": "Gianluca Martinez: Pyarchinit potential and limits in university and research context: San Sisto case study and the Laboratory of Medieval Archaeology of the University of Pisa", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/martinez", "geo": [43.7174565,10.3899766] } { "title": "Eleonora Minucci: Virtual RTI Application on 3D model for documentation of ancient graffiti: a propose of methodology for a complex archaeological site", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/minucci-bosco-de_luca", "geo": [40.8312632,14.2422203] } { "title": "Angela Bosco: Virtual RTI Application on 3D model for documentation of ancient graffiti: a propose of methodology for a complex archaeological site", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/minucci-bosco-de_luca", "geo": [40.8312632,14.2422203] } { "title": "Daniele De Luca: Virtual RTI Application on 3D model for documentation of ancient graffiti: a propose of methodology for a complex archaeological site", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/minucci-bosco-de_luca", "geo": [40.8540421,14.1765625] } { "title": "Dimitrij Mlekuž Vrhovnik: The potential of open lidar datasets for thinking about past mobility", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/mlekuz-vrhovnik", "geo": [46.0467678,14.4981283] } { "title": "Marco Moderato: MAPOD4D: A Multi/Metaverse for Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Heritage", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/moderato-et-alii", "geo": [42.3681642,14.147921] } { "title": "Roberto Taglioretti: MAPOD4D: A Multi/Metaverse for Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Heritage", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/moderato-et-alii", "geo": [45.7405677,8.8546589] } { "title": "Alessandra Mazzucchi: MAPOD4D: A Multi/Metaverse for Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Heritage", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/moderato-et-alii", "geo": [45.7405677,8.8546589] } { "title": "Vasco La Salvia: MAPOD4D: A Multi/Metaverse for Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Heritage", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/moderato-et-alii", "geo": [42.3681642,14.147921] } { "title": "Marco Moderato: Pyarchinit at Castelseprio: progressive adoption of an integrated managing system for archaeological field data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/moderato-la_salvia", "geo": [42.3497788,14.1337824] } { "title": "Vasco La Salvia: Pyarchinit at Castelseprio: progressive adoption of an integrated managing system for archaeological field data", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/moderato-la_salvia", "geo": [42.3497788,14.1337824] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Tools for citizen-driven digital public history - a fireside chat", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/montanari-et_alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Lucia Marsicano: Tools for citizen-driven digital public history - a fireside chat", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/montanari-et_alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Silvia Bernardoni: Tools for citizen-driven digital public history - a fireside chat", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/montanari-et_alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Raffaele Trojanis: Tools for citizen-driven digital public history - a fireside chat", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/montanari-et_alii", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Beyond Silos - A look at static publishing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/montanari-gigli", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Lorenzo Gigli: Beyond Silos - A look at static publishing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/montanari-gigli", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Using modern standards in the past - HTFS", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/montanari-gigli", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Lorenzo Gigli: Using modern standards in the past - HTFS", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/montanari-gigli", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Crossover! Digital Public History / Digital Archaeology / Virtual Roleplaying Games", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/montanari", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Marco Montanari: Revising the Gazetteer model - Places Of The Past", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/montanari", "geo": [44.4992192,11.2616458] } { "title": "Bryony Moody: Automating chronology construction and archiving (FAIR)ly along the way", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/moody-et-alii", "geo": [56.3397625,-2.8124896] } { "title": "Caitlin Buck: Automating chronology construction and archiving (FAIR)ly along the way", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/moody-et-alii", "geo": [56.3397625,-2.8124896] } { "title": "Tom Dye: Automating chronology construction and archiving (FAIR)ly along the way", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/moody-et-alii", "geo": [21.299829,-157.8170115] } { "title": "Keith May: Automating chronology construction and archiving (FAIR)ly along the way", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/moody-et-alii", "geo": [51.5287718,-0.241681] } { "title": "Alessio Paonessa: Linking stratigraphy, context and interpretation: a starting proposal", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/paonessa", "geo": [41.9091873,12.4904907] } { "title": "Nicolò Paraciani: An open image atlas for the journal “Archeologia e Calcolatori”", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/paraciani-rossi", "geo": [40.8436611,14.2501438] } { "title": "Irene Rossi: An open image atlas for the journal “Archeologia e Calcolatori”", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/paraciani-rossi", "geo": [40.8436611,14.2501438] } { "title": "Alain Queffelec: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [44.8258856,-0.6079888] } { "title": "Marta Arzarello: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [44.838647,11.6065323] } { "title": "Ruth Blasco: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [41.133371,1.2363857] } { "title": "Otis Crandell: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [-25.4269032,-49.2639545] } { "title": "Luc Doyon: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [44.8258856,-0.6079888] } { "title": "Sian Halcrow: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [-45.8646797,170.512234] } { "title": "Emma Karoune: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [51.5300671,-0.1317683] } { "title": "Bruno Maureille: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [41.6420679,-0.9036952] } { "title": "Aitor Ruiz-Redondo: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [41.6420679,-0.9036952] } { "title": "Philip Van Peer: Peer Community In Archaeology: A community-driven free and transparent system for preprints peer-reviewing", "url": "/2022/abstracts/oa-e-publishing/queffelec-et-alii", "geo": [50.8702223,4.6883784] } { "title": "Marco Ramazzotti: MASPAG & Pyarchinit, the newborn collaboration of Sapienza and AdArte in the Sultanate of Oman", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/ramazzotti-genchi-antinori", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Francesco Genchi: MASPAG & Pyarchinit, the newborn collaboration of Sapienza and AdArte in the Sultanate of Oman", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/ramazzotti-genchi-antinori", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Guido Antinori: MASPAG & Pyarchinit, the newborn collaboration of Sapienza and AdArte in the Sultanate of Oman", "url": "/2022/abstracts/pyarchinit/ramazzotti-genchi-antinori", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Federica Rinaldi: Between archeology and conservation. Digital tools for digital bridges between disciplines: The risk map of the in situ mosaic and marble surfaces of the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/rinaldi-et-alii", "geo": [41.8910003,12.4854315] } { "title": "Alessandro Lugari: Between archeology and conservation. Digital tools for digital bridges between disciplines: The risk map of the in situ mosaic and marble surfaces of the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/rinaldi-et-alii", "geo": [41.8910003,12.4854315] } { "title": "Francesca Sposito: Between archeology and conservation. Digital tools for digital bridges between disciplines: The risk map of the in situ mosaic and marble surfaces of the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/rinaldi-et-alii", "geo": [41.8910003,12.4854315] } { "title": "Ascanio D'Andrea: Between archeology and conservation. Digital tools for digital bridges between disciplines: The risk map of the in situ mosaic and marble surfaces of the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-field-data/rinaldi-et-alii", "geo": [41.8910003,12.4854315] } { "title": "Joe Roe: Stratigraphic data in R", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-stratigraphy/roe", "geo": [46.9504932,7.4359303] } { "title": "Paolo Rosati: ArchaeoloGIS A QGIS processing toolbox for archaeologists spatial analysis", "url": "/2022/abstracts/moving-in-the-past/rosati", "geo": [41.9037626,12.5144384] } { "title": "Mirella Serlorenzi: SITAR - Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma APIs and Open Data services for a new archaeological data-sharing policy", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/serlorenzi-et_alii", "geo": [41.9012342,12.4965983] } { "title": "Carlo Cifarelli: SITAR - Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma APIs and Open Data services for a new archaeological data-sharing policy", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/serlorenzi-et_alii", "geo": [41.9012342,12.4965983] } { "title": "Ascanio D'Andrea: SITAR - Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma APIs and Open Data services for a new archaeological data-sharing policy", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/serlorenzi-et_alii", "geo": [41.9012342,12.4965983] } { "title": "Riccardo Montalbano: SITAR - Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma APIs and Open Data services for a new archaeological data-sharing policy", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/serlorenzi-et_alii", "geo": [41.9012342,12.4965983] } { "title": "Florian Thiery: Challenges in research community building: integrating Terra Sigillata (Samian) Research into the Wikidata community", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/thiery-mees-kiesling", "geo": [49.9935934,8.2787513] } { "title": "Allard Mees: Challenges in research community building: integrating Terra Sigillata (Samian) Research into the Wikidata community", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/thiery-mees-kiesling", "geo": [49.9935934,8.2787513] } { "title": "John Brady Kiesling: Challenges in research community building: integrating Terra Sigillata (Samian) Research into the Wikidata community", "url": "/2022/abstracts/wiki-osm/thiery-mees-kiesling", "geo": [37.9908997,23.7033199] } { "title": "Florian Thiery: Linked Open ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ – How to publish and interlink various ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ data?", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/thiery-thiery", "geo": [50.0061931,8.2679436] } { "title": "Peter Thiery: Linked Open ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ – How to publish and interlink various ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ data?", "url": "/2022/abstracts/archaeological-apis/thiery-thiery", "geo": [50.0061931,8.2679436] } { "title": "Valeria Vitale: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [51.5300671,-0.1294723] } { "title": "Katherine McDonough: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [51.5300671,-0.1294723] } { "title": "Rainer Simon: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [48.2691256,16.4223578] } { "title": "YaoYi Chiang: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [44.9739938,-93.2299172] } { "title": "Zekun Li: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [44.9739938,-93.2299172] } { "title": "Jina Kim: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [44.9739938,-93.2299172] } { "title": "Deborah Holmes-Wong: Beyond Labels: computational approaches to text on maps", "url": "/2022/abstracts/maps-to-the-past/vitale-et-al", "geo": [34.0223563,-118.2873057] }